コーポレートガバナンス | 株式会社サガミホールディングス


Basic Views

Based on our "Basic Concept regarding Corporate Governance", one of our key business aims is to ensure the transparency and equitability of our business management, earning the trust of all stakeholders, including investors, customers, business partners, and employees.

We share the vision to be the "No. 1 Noodle Restaurant Company" with all our employees, and contribute to the food culture of our local communities, and take appropriate actions to respond quickly to changes in the management and market environments.

Corporate Governance Structure  (as of October 1, 2018)

general shareholders meeting

Establishment of a Group Management Structure

-Group representatives hold a weekly group management meeting

-Full-time auditor attends each meeting to ensure healthy management

Establishment of Nominating Compensation Advisory Committee

-Transparency of appointment and dismissal of Board Members and compensation decision-making process

-Outside directors constitute the majority of the committee

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